Tuesday, October 9, 2007


I was thinking about what kind of love life strippers have. I mean, does the fact that they are strippers totally "strip" them of any chance at having a meaningful relationship with a caring, decent guy?

What kind of strength would it take to be a guy going out with a stripper. I'm not talking about some stripper you are fucking... I'm talking about falling in love with a stripper and actually trying to pursue a deep, meaningful relationship. How would one deal with the knowledge that every time you kiss her and wave her off to work, shes going to be grinding her near naked body on as many drunk, horny guys as she can?

I'm no pansy, and I like to think of myself as a confident man... but I don't think I could handle doing this. Say of me what you will, but I just cant see myself having the strength of will required to be "OK" with it. I'm going to take a guess and assume that strippers don't usually have normal relationships.

So what kind of relationships do they have? I'm guessing its with guys who probably don't really care about them. Guys who are OK with everything because they are fucking around all the time anyway so don't really care what their girl is doing. It could be with complete masochists, who just lavish in the anguish. Of course I'm sure there are exceptions... super confident guys who just don't care and can be comfortable and even supportive.

I also wonder how many strippers quit their job because they meet someone they really want things to work out with? I'm sure the reality of the situation is a lot different than it is in my mind... just my thoughts.

1 comment:

Aaron said...

Ok, this is an area of relative expertise for me. The last two girls I've slept with have both been strippers. One of them I actually started to like but made the mistake of smoking weed with 4 days into it (after we'd fucked a few times, mind you) and I ended up making her cry and she didn't want to see me again after that. The other was a girl who started to like me but was trying to do the whole controlling my schedule "you don't spend enough time with me" thing, so I broke that off something real quick like.

The above information is practically irrelevant as far as my actual response goes. Being a former Jar-head (as are you, Kevin) I've known quite a few strippers and I can remember an entire ONE of them who actually seemed to be a pretty healthy individual and had reasonably normal relationships with men.

Personally, my potential hang-up of dating a stripper wouldn't be her shaking her ass in front of other guys. On the contrary, I would indulge in the fact that other guys pay her just to see her naked while she comes home and goes to bed with me for free. My main concern would be with what kind of psyche is contained in her pretty little head. There's basically two different archetypal stripper molds I've noticed, neither of them healthy. One is the controlling, man-hating bitch who enjoys teasing and using men as much as possible. In relationships, this kind of girl usually seeks cute, relatively weak minded guys that they can order around and feel like they're some kind of mother figure to.

The other major type that comes to mind is that of the insecure, emotionally scarred girl who perhaps never had a positive father figure in her live and seeks approval and attention from men. One day this girl finds that she is down on her luck and someone has offered her a job in which she can get all the attention from men she can handle AND get paid for doing so, and, voila! A stripper is born! In relationships, this kind of girl is a little more close to the average girl in that she's looking for someone who gives off a very strong, assuring presence that they can cling onto for dear life (and ill-gotten self esteem).

I've known one girl who is a former stripper who is a cross between both of these, and what a fucking gem she was. Ivory, wherever you are, thanks again for managing to fuck every guy you got involved with in the 9 months I knew you and had a quasi-long distance relationship with you, EXCEPT ME, you fucking skank. Fuck. You.

Missing from the above statements is the fact that many strippers have a robust drug habit they're trying to support as well (yet another bonus, on top of the psychological carnage you can probably already expect).

Needless to say neither one of these kinds of girls is someone who is very likely to have a healthy relationship with someone. Like I said, I've actually relished in the fact that I've gone to bed with girls who other guys pay just to see naked. That part doesn't bother me (see a therapist Kevin). What I can't put up with is a girl who is so psychologically sick that it will inhibit her from having any kind of positive relationship.